Monday, April 02, 2007

365 Monday April 2nd, aka, oops I have slipped off the wagon

First thing. I completely slipped off the 365 wagon and neglected to take pictures over the past couple of weeks.

Why? I really don't know. I think I have been in a kind of funk lately. I haven't been in the mood to do anything.

You know that feeling like you have been just going through your days, just performing the motions? That's how I have felt. This isn't unusual and hits at the end of the winter season. It's when I know I've had it. I am completely over the snow and cold.

We had some taunting of spring over the past few weeks, but this week it's cold and cloudy again. ARGH.

Only a few short weeks until spring. I can hold out until then. This is my last winter here after all.

In the meantime, I am resolved again to work on 365. Here is my sorry pic for being so negligent.

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