Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bad News

Moe was busted. She digs sitting in the front window. I headed out for lunch today with the lovely Brigitta and forgot to shut the curtains. Someone saw her in the window and called the landlord. Complete bummer. I am pretty sad about it.

So I guess I am off to Florida next weekend to pay an unexpected trip to Mom, who said she would take Moe as a backup plan. I hope she is still ok with that.

Someday, when we can afford a place that takes pets, we will get her back (along with Duff).

Here is a cute pic of Moe as she provided a place to lay my knitting project


Brighter Schemata said...

:( oh no! if i wanted to be really mean to ryan i would offer to take her but he was very puffy and watery-eyed just from an hour of being at rob's 1-cat inhabited apartment today.

i am so sorry that your landlord found out. but florida is a good retirement place, even for cats!

Anonymous said...

That sucks. What happened to the "don't snitch" rule? Wait that's ghetto youth. :)