Monday, June 26, 2006

J'adore les fleurs

I LOVE flowers......adore them. That is why I decided to make the trip to the local nursery yesterday. That and the fact the flower bed by the fence was looking a bit needed something. Too much money later (hey I justified it since I had a $50 gift certificate that needed to be spent.) this is what the backyard now looks like:

That is what was planted along the fence. With the exception of the huge hydrangea bush at the end, this was pretty much empty.

The flower bed off the patio. There were some perennials there but I basically filled it in with some cosmos, daisies and these:

I have NO idea what they are, but they were pretty.

I also weeded along the side of the house and planted these:

Sorry for the bad pic. Basically impatiens, more cosmos and daisies. Loved this:

I also don't know what these are but they will be pretty when they flower.

One more shot.....since I sometimes get pic happy in these blogs. This is the patio. In the pots, w have about 5 tomato plants, peppers, cucumbers and some herbs. Salsa will be made as soon as this baby is ready to harvest.

Love love love, the sucks that our growing season is so short.

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