Monday, January 22, 2007

I couldn't say this better myself

Read the following post before reading on.

I came home this weekend feeling a little bit down on myself. Why? Because I saw pictures of myself where I thought I didn't look "skinny" enough. I read this post last night and it resonated with me.

The reality is I could be at my lowest weight, look at pictures of myself and still think that I look fat.

Like Laurie, I have had my weight ups and downs. I have struggled with it all my life. When I was starting a new job and it stressed me out, I got to my hightest weight ever. That was 5-6 years ago. I lost 25 lbs of it, gained 10 back, lost 5, gained 5 and so the cycle goes. I am now about 22-24 lbs below that high weight, but at times I still can't seem to enjoy that and feel good about where I am at.

As it is now, I am a a "decent" weight. Is my BMI a "bit" high over the recommended. Yes, I am at a 26, which is technically considered overweight. Would I like to loose 10-15 lbs? Yes, but not so much that I want to obsess over it and not enjoy food and living. I simply love food too much.

Overall, I need to learn to love myself and my body for what it is. I am healthy and young. My body serves me well everyday. Why is it that I demand to fight with it all the time?

That, is a continual struggle for me.

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