Thursday, October 11, 2007


Update on my workout. I hurt. A lot.

It's amazing. I went to my Bar Method class on Monday. I could hardly walk on Tuesday. Tuesday evening I had a case of cabin fever and headed out for a walk. I decided to walk to the Ocean and back. That's quite a walk, around 6 miles...It did feel good to get out of the apartment though.

I went again yesterday and am definitely feeling it. I can a least walk today, but it's painful.

I think I am really going to like this new workout. I'll go again tomorrow and try to keep it up 3-4 times a week.

1 comment:

Brighter Schemata said...

oh no, i feel very bad that i didn't read your blog before i made you walk the length of culver city today! uh...maybe you walked all the lactic acid out of your muscles, yeah, that's it!

seriously, lunch was fun, let's do it again soon!